Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Psalm 18 - Fortress and Deliverer

We’re back in Psalm 18 this week continuing to look at 7 of the primary metaphors both David and many of the Biblical authors used to describe God.We’ve discussed 3 so far: God as our Rock, God as our Strength, and God as the Horn of our Salvation, and God as our ShieldTonight we’re going to look at God as our Fortress and Deliverer.Two of the seven metaphors that David uses... but these two must be studied together.
Biblical Metaphor:
In David’s life he had been without strength and sorely afflicted by his enemies.  He had been snared and without means of escape, but God had delivered him.  This Psalm is a confession of human weakness and of God’s powerful desire to save.  This then is where our own salvation and refuge begins; there must be a recognition and confession of human weakness, a plea to God that He will work for us that which is humanly impossible.Look at the opening couple of verses of Psalm 18:1-3 In this Psalm David gathers together a list of titles in the second verse that are used of God throughout Scripture.  The list is divided into two parts, by David’s use of two of the primary names of God... the first being headed with “Yahweh” and the second with “El”.  David does this to help the reader understand what he’s saying about God and also, to help the reader in their own personal application.The first list begins with YHWH - God’s memorial, Covenant name, which occurs some sixteen times in this Psalm.
What meaning does the name YHWH typically hold with it?God as promise keeper, God as covenant maker, God as deliverer, God as the good and holy Father.So when David talks about God as His Fortress and Deliverer... he’s talking about more than just physical deliverance from trouble, he’s talking about covenant deliverance from the evils of the human heart with the promise of becoming partakers of God’s own nature (2 Pet. 1:4).Now, we’ve hit these first two previously... but looking at them as a unit we’ll discuss them briefly again.
YHWH as Strength:
David begins by saying that YHWH is his strength.  This is not simply physical strength... this is strength of hope and strength of joy because the God who keeps His promises has promised to be good, to watch over him, to love him and lead him and protect him.
YHWH as Rock:
Building on this David says, “YHWH is my rock.”  An elevated place of refuge…a safe hiding place.Now, this has a few important implications.  
  1. As the “rock” God is immovable, which means that, often, to get to the place where you can take refuge in the rock of His salvation... you have to move. This is what it means to enter into covenant with the covenant God.
  2. As the “rock” God is unshakable, which means that, even when the world seems to be crumbling down around you... if you go to God and hide yourself in Him, you will be on solid ground.
  3. As the “rock” God is unbreakable, which means that, no matter what the attack, if you go to God and hide yourself in Him, you can actually know peace and safety.
YHWH as Fortress:
Next comes “my fortress.”  Unlike Europe and Asia, America has little history of refuges and fortresses, except perhaps the western stockade where settlers might gather during times of unrest. In Old Testament days, however, especially before the Romans brought peace to Palestine, a refuge or fortress was a very real need. Unwalled villages were clustered around walled stronghold cities, where residents in the region would flee in times of war. High towers and ramparts could be defended against a force many times their size.So, in addition to providing a hiding place – God is also a defense, a bulwark, or a stronghold. A hiding place is only a temporary escape from our enemies, but when we add to “hiding place” the term “fortress,” the position is made secure and eternal.
YHWH as Deliverer:
When we add the last title of  “my deliverer,” we see a progression of thought…  God hides, He defends, He delivers!  And, the purpose of His hiding place is deliverance!Listen... whatever thing you are going through... God wants to deliver you.That’s salvation, deliverance from judgment through covenant.That’s circumstantial, deliverance from the brokenness of sin through covenant.That’s personal, deliverance from the slavery of sin through covenant.That’s eternal, deliverance from everything that’s wrong with you and the world for all eternity with God in His kingdom... arrived at through covenant.

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