Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Psalm 10 - 2 Expositions

Which interpretation is correct?  - What do you do when two biblically accurate expositions/applications are offered for the same passage?
  • The Ethiopian Eunuch who met Philip on the road was reading Isaiah 53.
  • The story goes that the Eunuch was confused by what he was reading, wondering whether, in that passage, the prophet was talking about himself or about someone else.
  • Philip, in answering his question, “preached unto him Jesus.”
  • Now, what’s problematic to many about this text is that the text of Isaiah 53, given the context of it’s authorship, could very readily be applied to the current state of the nation of Israel and that, on the conscious level, Isaiah was writing this passage as a personification of Israel.
  • Now we read this passage and we would strongly disagree with this assertion claiming instead that Isaiah spoke prophecy as he consciously foresaw the sufferings of Christ.
  • Here’s the thing... it doesn’t matter.
  • Whether Isaiah was conscious that he was speaking words of prophecy or not doesn’t change the fitting personification of Israel or the prophetic significance to Jesus in the passage.
  • Both fit, both are accurate, both are truth.
  • The same goes for so many texts throughout God’s Word.
  • When the author behind the author, the muse that inspires and, in the case of the Bible, controls and edits the pen of the writer, is the Holy Spirit of God... we should not find it at all odd that the truths expressed are limited by their holiness but limitless in their application.
  • Failing to consider that the words of a text are as all-seeing, all-knowing, and all-understanding of time, history, and culture as our Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent God makes the interpreter assume their own divinity in their exposition.
  • One theologian compared our attempts to fully grasp God’s truth as a never ending struggle to bottle a sunbeam.
  • We would never assume to be able to bottle an infinite God . . . we should show just as much reverence to His infinite Word.

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