Thursday, January 6, 2011

Psalm 8:1-2


  • Who hasn’t stared into the heavens on a clear night and wondered about the nature of God, the origin of humanity, and other weighty questions?
  • This psalm reflects David’s musings about such things.


  • In vs.1 David begins with an acknowledgment that all of creation is God’s.
  • He says, “Oh YHWH (the primary name for God) our Adoneinu (designating God as master, controller, and caregiver)  how addir mecha (how mighty, powerful, and noble it is to simply speak your name) in all of the earth.”
  • And then I love the next part... because in the remainder of vs.1 on into vs.2 David says that those who are observant see the majesty of God.  He says, “You need only look at the size and the order of Th. solar system to see a reflection of the Creator.”


  • And then in vs.2 he tells us that the best way to see this reflection is through the eyes of young children.
  • By the way... did you notice who were God’s warriors in the fight against His adversaries and enemies.  Infants and small children.
  • Don’t let this statement escape you because in it I believe that we find one of the purest forms of faith in God that we could ever hope to see on this planet.
  • Have you ever heard children argue with other children?  and in the course of their argument one of the children will say to the other one, “Well my dad says...”
  • I think that this is perhaps one of the best definitions of faith, “My father said it, therefore it is true.”
  • When you’re a child, relatively untainted by human skepticism, doubt, anxiety, anger issues and the likes, all you need is the word of a parent to confirm your ideas concerning truth and error.
  • Let me ask you another question, when and why does this go away?  When do parents go from being omniscient to being foolish and shortsighted?
  • Jr. High?  the when doesn’t really matter... why?  Why does this happen?
  • It’s not TV’s fault, it’s not the current education system... it’s that parents aren’t perfect.  Parent’s don’t know everything about everything.  And so the time will come when a child finds out that their parents are fallen beings, not to be trusted or followed blindly and without question.
  • But here’s the thing... God is the perfect parent.
  • I can’t remember where I heard this but it’s stuck with me for years and years... it’s this idea that when God decided to call Himself the Father His PR person must have been out for the day.
  • How many people cringe at the mention of their earthly father... those who have been abused, abandoned, berated or ignored.
  • Even when you sit back and think about how culture defines the role of a father in a child’s life... financial provider, disciplinarian, handyman, protector... I mean, the source of love, family unity, always being around to help heal self inflicted wounds... that’s not typically the role that an earthly father would play.
  • But what we have in God is the perfect example of how our earthly fathers are supposed to be.
  • To my friends and family members who have a difficult time understanding and receiving God as their Father, for whatever reason they might have... I’m often compelled to challenge them to think of God as the Father that they always wished they had.

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